AINUR To Enter Studio In January

December 25, 2008

AINUR, an Italian band consisting of 18 members inspired by Tolkien's writings with his fantastic world of tales and fantasy, will enter Play Studio in Bricherasio, Italy on January 14, 2009 to begin recording its third album. Entitled "Lay of Leithian", the CD will be a concept effort about the story of Beren and LĂșthien, which is featured in Tolkien's "The Silmarillion".

AINUR offers an intriguing musical journey based on symphonic prog-tinged rock with delicate celtic and classical influences. The general atmosphere could be easily recognized as the perfect soundtrack for an epic fantasy movie. The musicians reveal a wide range of styles and influences: you'll find medieval and languid interludes, celtic and quasi-pop madrigals, strong and hard guitars blended with orchestra and vintage keyboards. Vocal richness is also one of the band's trademarks: recitative parts, whispers, operatic singers (bass and soprano).

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